What is the difference between Plymouth Rock and Barred Rock if any difference?

Barred is a variety of Plymouth rock as far as I'm aware, same as white rocks and a few other colors. They're technically just different varieties of the same breed but they're rarely interbred and some varieties have become better for some things then others, especially hatchery varieties. For example, barred rocks just get used as egg hens more and have, over time, become more egg-type while white rocks have a meatier type still.

Plymouth Rock is a breed. It is American bred that first appeared in the early 19th century. It’s a relatively young breed with a vast growing popularity due to its nature and egg laying capabilities.

Currently recognized in nine colors: Blue, Black, Barred, White, Silver Pencilled, Partridge, Black frizzle, Buff, Colombian.

Several more colors and patterns are available but not recognized.

Barred Plymouth Rock or White Rock or White Plymouth Rock, etc. all just refer to the color.

Hope that helps.
Plymouth Rocks are a breed of chicken.
They come in several colors, including Blue, Barred, Buff, Columbian, Partridge, Silver Penciled, and White.
So when people say Barred Rock, they are just saying the Barred variety of plymouth rocks. And since it's easier to just say Rock, they don't say the Plymouth part.

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