What is the ideal humidity for hatching in an incubator?

I have the bottom full but its not touching the plastic piece that goes across the bottom about 5/6 cups of water at the most but i also have a thin dish towel over the plastic piece to keep the chicka from slipping around
Sounds fine. I like the rubber shelf liner stuff, but a thin towel should be fine..

Just keep in mind that humidity goes by surface area of the water, not the depth, so you can adjust small amounts by putting solid things in the channels to reduce the surface area. And you can pop the lid for a second and let some out. I think you will be fine..

Eta - you just don't want any condensation on the glass.
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I have a still air little giant i have 1 for incubating and bought another for hatching the one i bought for hatching is holding at 76% humdity has been for 3 days nows i plugged it up early to try to get it to stabilize befoe lockdown day im nervous that this is to high? But im not sure what to do to bring it down if need be? Also when i added the water i added warm water instead of cold so i think thats probably why my humdity has been so stable lol any Suggestions or advice would be awesome as today is lockdown

In my hatching experience 76% is a great humidity for hatching. Always add around 100 degree water when need. Good Luck
There are a lot of discussions on humidity here, but what about temperature? I am having my first eggs hatch using an incubator- one chick is out, one is pipping (there is a 3 day spread on the eggs).

The humidity is 71%. The temp has been 99 - but with the chicks hatching it is 100. I'm fearful to adjust the temp that I may mess up the temp during the hatch. I am using a Janoel 12 - again - my very first time using an incubator.

Is 100% okay?
There are a lot of discussions on humidity here, but what about temperature?  I am having my first eggs hatch using an incubator- one chick is out, one is pipping (there is a 3 day spread on the eggs).

The humidity is 71%.  The temp has been 99 - but with the chicks hatching it is 100.  I'm fearful to adjust the temp that I may mess up the temp during the hatch.  I am  using a Janoel 12 - again - my very first time using an incubator.  

Is 100% okay?
100 degrees is ok you just dont want it to go up above 101 and 71% humdity is good its normal for the temp and humdity to go up some when the chicks start hatching out :)
(there is a 3 day spread on the eggs).
I guess with the 3 day spread you are saying you kept adding more eggs each day for 3 days?? You said you are new you said so I will suggest----to keep/collect your eggs then set them all at one time or get a second incubator for a hatcher then set eggs all at one time once a week then remove the 18 day old eggs when its time and put in the ready hatcher to hatch---let them hatch then clean the hatcher and be ready for the next group of 18 day old eggs. When they are 3 days apart-----that does not work real good in my area. Good Luck
Thank you so much Danielle. Heart rate is returning to normal!!
you're welcome :) first hatches can be very stressful! i hatch ducks and chick together and im the bad egg i always have a few here and there with different hatch dates lol like now i have 4 duck 4 chicks in the hatcher and i have 4 more duck eggs still in the incubator that dont go on lock down until the 18th lol so no worries you are doing just fine hatching eggs is an art ;) you learn with each hatch what works for you :) good luck with the new babies!

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