What is the most popular breed of BY chicken??


Jun 12, 2017
I have a curious question! What do you think is the most popular sought after back yard breed of chicken?? I am considering raising two different breeds of chickens and raising small number of chicks for resale. Let me know what you think! Thank you!
Thank you!! Yes, the Barred rocks are very popular, I have had them most of my life. Very docile birds, I have never had the BO's.... I have a couple breeds in mind but I am holding my cards close to my vest to see what others say. My birds are a hodge podge mis, lol... I still love them!
My advise is to raise what you love, and what does well where you live. There's a trade-off between the cost of very common breeds, therefore cheap, and more uncommon but more interesting breeds, that might bring more per chick. 'Fad' breeds can be a good choice if you are in front of the market, not at the end when there's no more demand. Consider that colorful egg basket too; Marans, EEs, Welsummers, also other colors of Plymouth Rocks, or whatever. Mary
My advise is to raise what you love, and what does well where you live. There's a trade-off between the cost of very common breeds, therefore cheap, and more uncommon but more interesting breeds, that might bring more per chick. 'Fad' breeds can be a good choice if you are in front of the market, not at the end when there's no more demand. Consider that colorful egg basket too; Marans, EEs, Welsummers, also other colors of Plymouth Rocks, or whatever. Mary

Very great advise!! I am thinking of the colorful egg basket, as people really love that. Thinking of BCM, Auracanas and Silkies... The Marans seem to be really sought after for those beautiful dark colored egg shells. The Auracans for the variety of blue, green, even pinkish color eggs. And the little Silkies for hobbyish just because their so dark cute! I have had all of the breeds I mentioned and love them all. Now I have a BY mixture! Thank you again!
Easter Eggers are pretty good at providing a colorful egg basket, because I know them to provide blue, green, pink and brown eggs. Ameraucanas (i think I'm spelling that right) lay blue eggs. White Leghorns lay white eggs. Those are most of the colors I know of that chickens lay.

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