What is the strangest thing you've fed your chickens?

OK, I'll be the one to say it... Mice. Remember, chickens are omnivores. Any stored feed attracts mice. We don't want them eating the feed, so we have snap-traps set in the barn. When we find a dead mouse, we toss it into the coop. It doesn't last long.

If you ask my chooks, the answer would be mushrooms. It's the only thing they won't gobble down, and they'll pick them out of left-overs.
Yes, you are so right, they fight over the dead mice..I have watched mine tear frogs apart or eat them whole. I have also seen them step on baby chicks and try to tear their heads off. {I took the baby chick away as soon as I saw what the Rooster was doing} SO GROSS!!
Thanks for making me recall something I put in the back of my thoughts.
not strange at all, grapes seem to be one of the favorites. I personally love the keep away game they play with them. The strangest thing I gave my chickens was..........a chicken. Leftover chicken carcass, they picked it clean and I honestly never found the bones. The dog though felt like it should have been hers.
Funny, mine won't eat grapes at all. It's the only thing we've given them so far that they didn't touch.
Well, that's one way of getting rid of the body. Only been married about a week, so I'll just save that little tidbit for future reference.

My chickens are eating chicken and dumplings right now. They stole the leftovers from the dog.

ETA: Figs! My rooster will hurt you for a fig. He knows exactly where the fig bushes are and he checks them faithfully. He still has a few months to wait.
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I don't intend to throw anything in the coop , just the chicken run outside. We have cats so mice are an endangered species here. Then again I hadn't thought about bigger vermin. I suppose I could clean up what they don't eat.
So far I havent put anyhting in their coop that wasn't gone by morning...

I don't intend to throw anything in the coop , just the chicken run outside.

They don't mean not to throw it in the coup, just that the chickens finish everything thrown in.

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