What is the strangest thing you've fed your chickens?

Everytime I read this I laugh. God bless your pea pick'in little heart.
I don't intend to throw anything in the coop , just the chicken run outside. We have cats so mice are an endangered species here. Then again I hadn't thought about bigger vermin. I suppose I could clean up what they don't eat.

OOPs I mean in the Run.... I dont put any food other then their layer feed in the coop...
I just don't want them to get sick. I figure if they don't eat it, it will attract something they will, like worms or slugs, right?

or something that will eat them, like raccoon and opossums....just a thought not critisizing at all....ive been lucky so far with all the crap thats been tossed out there and not eaten...im actually surprised at how picky the girls are. one day someone thought they were being helpful and tossed (not kidding) 3ft by 2 ft lasagna out on the grass right before i was getting ready to mow......needless to say i wasnt very happy, but the girls were, once they found it.
So far mine haven't gotten a lot except for bread, noodles, shredded cheese is by far their favorite, and they love clover thrown in with them!
Liking the stale cereal idea...hmmmm

as a side note...Terri I love your horse in your avatar...beautiful! Looks just like my dear old deceased Omega!... awwww
I just don't want them to get sick. I figure if they don't eat it, it will attract something they will, like worms or slugs, right?

or something that will eat them, like raccoon and opossums....just a thought not critisizing at all....ive been lucky so far with all the crap thats been tossed out there and not eaten...im actually surprised at how picky the girls are. one day someone thought they were being helpful and tossed (not kidding) 3ft by 2 ft lasagna out on the grass right before i was getting ready to mow......needless to say i wasnt very happy, but the girls were, once they found it.

See that why I like it here cause I know you care. At first I didn't think of something getting them. I did smell a skunk last night, but I keep their pop hole closed.

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