What is the Tamest type of rooster

An individual with a good personality...

Honestly, there is no 'breed' where all roosters are nice, it's an individual things... Sure some breeds tend to produce more 'nice' roosters but that doesn't mean the other breeds can't also produce nice roosters...

Of you want to slightly improve your odds of a nicer rooster, pick one of the breeds where people generally consider them 'calm' and 'social' many dual purpose breeds fall into this category, as do barnyard mixes and other mixes like Easter Eggers... Then hand raise it with constant human interaction, holding and contact and hope for the best...
What MeepBeep said.

We have a gigantic and beautiful production RIR rooster that is an absolute bag of cockerals, but can inseminate a hen through a pallet fence covered with chicken wire, in the rain, when the hen is 10' away, and asleep. Seriously, I worry about my wife and daughter in that pen... But! That's the only reason he's around. We've never handled him.

We also have a amazing looking heritage RIR cockeral that is the nicest thing in the world and is by far more friendly than the hens. However, I've seen him "do his job" only once in the last 2 months. This guy was handled from day one and can be picked up at any time.

To each their own, and what you expect of your boys. Personally, I'd rather deal with hormones than infertile eggs, but we run a business that feeds us and our children.

Past that, I'd eat the big guy and let the nicer one run the roost if I had a choice.

Good luck.
Depends on personality and if they are raised correctly.
My meanest rooster is a silkie....
My friendliest is a cochin
Well technically not every rooster is gonna be tame you can have 20 of the same breed of rooster and most of the time half is tame and the other half is mean
A Ameraucana rooster might be a good pick I haven't ever seen a mean Ameraucana rooster iv had 5 different Ameraucana roosters in the past and none of them was mean.

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