What is this Duck thinking

Oh, Mercy. The idea of killing a sweet and beautiful goose is an awful thought for me. Will not go there….

Anyway, sweet Sam. Did not like the idea of his very close pals leaving his sight. I can only imagine how upset he was when they disappeared. They are so bonded. I love that.

Thanks, Patti. I don't blame you about the snow. There is a lot on that mountain. It is in Oregon and a popular and actually a deadly one for climbing.
I've heard of Mt Hood. Nice way to get some good moisture though with all that snow once it melts.

I know people have geese for food and also hunt them, I could never do it though I love them so much and enjoy watching the Canada's fly over every morning and evening during warm months. They are so majestic.
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I've heard of Mt Hood. Nice way to get some good moisture though with all that snow once it melts.

I know people have geese for food and also hunt them, I could never do it though I love them so much and enjoy watching the Canada's fly over every morning and evening during warm months. They are so majestic.
Mt Hood is that. I just hope our snow pack up high regenerates so that we can get our water from up there.

Ya. The goose hunting would not be my thing personally but as I've said in the past, I cannot condemn others for it since I eat meat, too.

I love the geese too and the honking overhead is wonderful. I always chuckle to myself when I hear them flying and honking overhead in the middle of the night. I mean, other than owls, what burd flies at night? My pygmies don't.
Yup! Noir and Mystique. They were inseparable and for 6 weeks all we could say was "Quit pecking your sister in the head..."
That is funny. Cute things having their sibling squabbles. I just love how Noir is draped over your shoulder. And little Mystique facing the other way.
@Tevyes Dad - Tony, I just read your got a tude pdf and I have to say it put me thru the gamet of emotions. I wept sadly over Ebony's passing. Cried with happiness over the pictures of the cuties bonding with you and Yvonne. Laughed hysterically over Snow's "wake" going over to Tella and Ettie and Tevye's cloud watching. All I can say is WOW. A fantastic read and amazing photography. What a gift you've given us here on BYC. Thank you.
@Tevyes Dad - Tony, I just read your got a tude pdf and I have to say it put me thru the gamet of emotions. I wept sadly over Ebony's passing. Cried with happiness over the pictures of the cuties bonding with you and Yvonne. Laughed hysterically over Snow's "wake" going over to Tella and Ettie and Tevye's cloud watching. All I can say is WOW. A fantastic read and amazing photography. What a gift you've given us here on BYC. Thank you.
Glad you liked it. I put together a hard copy for my mom to flip through and have my nieces read to her. I figured since I put so much work into documenting it, I might as well share the electronic version with anyone who wanted to read it. I wrote most of it as it happened so it was from a perspective of not knowing what was going to happen later - if I hadn't, I would probably have left out all we did to nurse Ebony to health. Additionally I have recommended it to a few beginners (as I was - and still am) to see what I did that worked and what definitely didn't work. So now you know why Noir and Mystique came later in the flock. I actually read the book through about ever 4-5 months to see how my perspective has changed. Yvonne can't read it yet - it still makes her cry.
Glad you liked it. I put together a hard copy for my mom to flip through and have my nieces read to her. I figured since I put so much work into documenting it, I might as well share the electronic version with anyone who wanted to read it. I wrote most of it as it happened so it was from a perspective of not knowing what was going to happen later - if I hadn't, I would probably have left out all we did to nurse Ebony to health. Additionally I have recommended it to a few beginners (as I was - and still am) to see what I did that worked and what definitely didn't work. So now you know why Noir and Mystique came later in the flock. I actually read the book through about ever 4-5 months to see how my perspective has changed. Yvonne can't read it yet - it still makes her cry.
Yes!! I really did. The photos killed me. The daily ministrations of everything. Tevye scolding Kaine. Geez, Kaine is a gorgeous male but he is a scary burd
. I am glad he's mellowed out. You guys did a phenomenal job with Ebony. I was pulling for her the whole time and was horrified and super sad she perished due to a predator. I loved how Mystique and Noir figured into the flock. They got the tough love integration.

I don't blame Yvonne at all. I was truly all over the emotional spectrum reading the entire thing and I've never met nor handled your birds. She has and so it's completely understandable.

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