What is this Duck thinking


Oh, I should've known.  Look at those cheeks!  I have a Donald, too.  He's a Pekin.  Jealous you have a Magpie!  That's one of the two breeds I hope to add to my flock.

My Donald is a particularly Special little boy. 

When he hatched into this world, I hand raised him with his brothers and sisters. Then unfortunately 4 months later when he was getting a little randy in the pond the other ducks mis took his man hood for a worm and really pecked and pulled it. I felt so sorry for him. Then I noticed his penis wouldn't go back inside and I had to separate him as the others wouldn't stop attacking it, It then went grey and then black. I took him to the vets and they gave me two choice - Put him down or 50/50 Surgery. I obviously opted for surgery even after being prewarned that he was high risky for surgery as water fowl don't do well under anaesthetic . Anyway He had the surgery and within 5 mins of coming round from his op to remove the dead tissue he was stood up pruning himself.
Then spent 2 weeks in the house only allowed to have drinking water so not water to bath in and still separated from his friends. All healed well and he went back with his friends. When he was home recovering though I got him out of his cage every evening and let him sit with me watching tv but for what ever reason he loves sitting right next to your face it was so adorable. 

I love that little boy to bits he means so much and the operation wasn't cheap either at 175 GBP ! When I ask him for a Kiss he will actually give you a little peck on your cheek, I swear thats no word of a lie :love

Is he a magpie call duck?

LOL...yes, you're probably right again. So magpie the "name" of the color pattern not magpie the breed, yes?
So far, I think they think: "I am so thankful that the field is filled with gophers and mice that are easy prey for these scary (but pretty) birds."
I have to admit I think they are such awesome birds. So powerful and amazing. Good thing they have a field full of mammalian snacks that they can stuff themselves on.
LOL, I didn't want you to think that my ducks always had adult bald eagles looking over them...

sometimes there are immature bald eagles...

other times just a red-tailed hawk...

Yes that is the same tree every time... It is a huge solitary tree in the middle of the field behind us. Many birds-of-prey perch on it including Owls at night. And every once in a while it fills up completely with a migrating flock of starlings. This is why I keep my back yard cluttered... Lots of places for the ducks to hide if they have to. But mostly I think their best defense is that most of these birds-of-prey have pretty full bellies from the mice and gophers that live in that field.

Oh... and here is a picture from the bottom of the tree...

I guess there are some smaller trees out there....

Look another deer (laying down to the left of the tree) and two more immature bald eagles.
Tony, I am gonna come and live with you and Yvonne.

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