What is *THIS*?! Frankenchicken

View attachment 1294280 Hi folks, need help with this strange little creature. I hatched my own polish, EEs and threw in some purchased EE eggs in for good measure.

Fast forward 6 weeks from hatch and I have this creature. He’s MASSIVE and towers over the other EEs, he’s the weight of 6 Polish the same age and...well...the obvious. He’s naked.

Don’t know if he’s from my birds or purchased eggs but my birds have never produced anything like this before out of hundreds of chicks I’ve hatched (BW Ams over F3 EEs).

Any idea what he is and why he’s so naked? TIA!!

ETA a closeup of him a few weeks ago
View attachment 1294333
Bizarre! But he's still kind of cuddly looking in a weird way. He looks more like a Malay or Shamo to me in type than a Naked Neck, but who knows? Could you ask the people you got the eggs from what his possible parents are and if they've hatched anything similar? It would be interesting to know. I think the feathering is definitely a genetic abnormality, but what about his tall, leggy body? Is that a genetic abnormality, or does he indeed have one of those tall Asian breeds in his ancestry? Inquiring minds want to know.
You guys are a crack up!!

I pinged the person I got the eggs from and she’s at a total loss. She’s also breeding for blue egg color so most of her bird build off of Ameraucanas and Cream Legbars. She has no Turkens and never has.

I’ve got enough projects going on around here so if anyone in NorCal wants a cuddly, naked, mullet-sporting project roo, message me.

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