What is this????? Goose poop not normal!!!

What could cause this? She’s a rescue a Canadian gosling that was set to be released this week
Try to dissect it with a knife, see what it is inside. If it’s intestinal lining that isn’t normal with geese and indicates a parasitical or bacterial infection of the intestine, though you’ll usually see more of a pink to salmon tone with blood.
Too young for it to be a lash egg.

My guess is some sort of indigestible material, have you noticed any signs of constipation, straining, heavy breathing, open mouthed breathing?
No but she got into a little bit of pine shavings and was eating them for a short period but pooping completely normal no straining no swelling or panting she’s completely happy eating drinking swimming I hope I’m just over reacting
Let's take this from the top.
You need to provide more information, such as
Where'd you get 'her'?
Brooder set up?
She’s a rescue I’ve had her since 1-2 days old
She was on starter unmedicated with 20% protein for first 2 weeks now is on water fowl food with grass she’s indoor mainly with fresh bedding everyday with pine to absorb moisture but upper layer to cover access to pine access to water 24/7 water is filtered as cleaned 3 times a day
Are you a rehabber? If not, you need to contact one ASAP as releasing her back into the wild at this age will get her killed and it's illegal for you to have her.
I am working with a rescue thanks and they are extremely parental so they actually have encouraged release.
Try to dissect it with a knife, see what it is inside. If it’s intestinal lining that isn’t normal with geese and indicates a parasitical or bacterial infection of the intestine, though you’ll usually see more of a pink to salmon tone with blood.
She has already been tested for parasites and anything else by the rescue I’m working with she’s was given the all clear it is rubbery but not bloody does not look like intestinal lining at all. And the rehab wasn’t sure so I just thought I’d ask

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