WHAT Is THIS?! Spider/Bug Thing!!!

I wouldn't have time for a heart attack...I'd be too busy PACKING TO MOVE.

We're pretty sure my wife got bitten by a brown recluse, though we've never, ever actually seen one around the house.. She didn't have the really super bad systemic reaction that some folks get, but it did carve out a nice little dead flesh divet and turn a HUGE area around it all kinds of pretty shades of green, blue, purple, dark red, yellow, etc.. She went on antibiotics ASAP, which may have been what kept her out of serious trouble.

Fiddlebacks are not to be trifled with.. ( I know, I know...
That creepy thing looks like a big tick with spider legs !
Gross !
I would be 'bombing' my apartment/house.
Cover the fish tank with saran wrap, take the other pets out and sit in yer car while you bomb if you have to !!!! YUCK!!!
It looks like no cricket I have ever seen.
Hehe. A reply from redhen in the other pets and livestock section where her first words aren't "I want one!!!!!!"


I think it's what we call a Daddy SHORT Legs around here. It's just like a Daddy Long Legs, but...well, you get it. Not dangerous, rather humorous when you see them moving fast- almost like a tumbleweed.
It is definitely not a cave cricket since it very clearly has eight legs. With its eight legs and broadly fused body segments, it is a type of harvestmen (harvest spider, daddy long legs, or opiliones). You can tell them apart from spiders because the two body segments of a spider are not broadly fused, making it easy to distinguish the two body sections, whereas a harvestmen will appear to have a singular body segment. The common type of harvestmen most people see is not the only type out there, so I understand that some people wouldn't recognize it as such. Here is a page with pictures of different types of harvestmen so you can get an idea of how diverse they can appear. ---> http://www.flickr.com/photos/23660854@N07/sets/72157603944294012/

yeah, it is 100% and without a single doubt a harvestmen. Cute things.
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Mostly I know about Black Widows and Recluses... other than that I'm not too concerned.

But, there was this one spider... HUGE booger with a yellow carapace *shudder* that thing gave me the willies.

Note: Did you know that a mud daubers food of choice is black widows? I love mud daubers!
So many of them look similar I always have trouble identifying them. Nature needs to come with labels.

I've always liked them (even though they do resemble long legged ticks), but I've always been bug crazy. I don't even want to tell you what the warning sign reads on our back door, but suffice to say, nobody ever admits to killing any bugs on my property.
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I am spraying down my computer just in case they got in there.....

Yuck... YUCK YUCK>>> EWWW (man I got a case of the willies) I am going to have nightmares.... and the heebie jeebies too... Geebs has the geebies AAAACKIKKKK


(and this is an understatement)

A Fiddleback put me in the hospital for 4 days about 10 years ago. It bite me on the calf and my leg swelled up so big I thought my skin was gonna split.
High doses of antibiotics did the trick, but I know of two other people that weren't as lucky.

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