What is wrong with feeding chickens meat?

I've started a meal worm ranch in the house so there will be tasty grubs this winter. It's easy as pie, thanks to the directions of some BYC posters. Yummy. I think they will love moose meat and salmon, too.
"The risk of salmonellae shedding by dogs fed Salmonella-contaminated commercial raw food diets
Can Vet J. January 2007;48(1):69-75.

Preliminary assessment of the risk of Salmonella infection in dogs fed raw chicken diets.
Can Vet J 43[6]:441-2 2002 Jun

Joffe DJ, Schlesinger DP
Landing Animal Clinic, C155-1600, 90th Avenue SW, Calgary, Alberta T2V 5A8.
This preliminary study assessed the presence of Salmonella spp. in a bones and raw food (BARF) diet and in the stools of dogs consuming it. Salmonella was isolated from 80% of the BARF diet samples (P < 0.001) and from 30% of the stool samples from dogs fed the diet (P = 0.105). Dogs fed raw chicken may therefore be a source of environmental contamination."

Actually, dogs have an entirely different digestive system from us, as do chickens. As a general rule, a dog will not get salmonella. If you look at your posts here, you are actually proving the point...dogs can "shed" salmonella as they will carry it or pass it through their system (in their stools). It's really not an issue unless you have a severely compromised immune system (think advanced aids or later stage cancer). I personally have a compromised immune system and a raw diet has never affected me, but became inconvenient and we discontinued it.

Also, locally here, dogs cannot participate as therapy dogs if they are on the barf diet, as they shed salmonella or other contaminents that just wouldn't be appropriate in a hospital setting.
Both the dog and the humans around the dog would really have to have a severe immune system problem to get sick from salmonella. You are more likely to get it fixing dinner than secondary from your animals irregardless of diet. I would bet the reason dogs that do get sick from salmonella tend to get so sick is because something went wrong in the first place to let them get it. Their immune system was probably already compromised for other reasons and couldn't protect them. They would probably have gotten sick from anything but salmonella is one of the most common pathogens hanging around anyone's house or yard so one of the first they come in contact with.
I am so glad I found this post!! The other day I was in the run and made the mistake of bringing my BLT with me...
Joon, my 11 week old Barred Rock pullet, jumped in my lap and stole a piece of my bacon!! I only had two pieces total too, I was peeved! LOL but worried too glad to know all is well
My chickens LOVE bacon! But they don't get it often since its fatty/greasy...and probably high salt content.
LoL believe me I WANTED MY BACON! Haha I am sorry but with ME around, my chickens will rarely get meat. I am a meat hound personally, and don't share with the pets. Joon stole it right from under my nose without me having a second to react hahaha. It better have tasted good, because now I know better then to bring my delicious blt into the pen with her around!
I feed my girls meet, but make sure to rake the pen clean that night so as not to attract bad things.

Also - you don't put meat or dairy into a compost pile because it makes the pile go anareobic and stink, which also draws in critters you don't want...

What I Won't feed the girls are egg shells that haven't been rinsed and crushed first or eggs that aren't mixed in with something else, like mash. I find that once they get a taste for eggs you are more likely to loose your eggs.

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