What is wrong with Ruby?


12 Years
Dec 27, 2007
As some of you may know, yesterday, Oreo, my barred rock died. I don't know why she died. This morning, I let out my girls and one hen pooed a big, sninky, broody poo (I think) and then was walking with her breast low to the ground and kept opening her mouth wide. Is this a sign of gape worm?! She only didi it for a minute or so and then stopped. She then began cleaning her feathers for awhile. I gave her a tiny amount of cracked corn, just to get her close to me, but I didn't see anything. Then she started doing it again; breast low and opening her mouth. What's wrong with her? I'm scared she's going to die too
Is the opening of her mouth wide like that a sign of being broody? One of my other hens died yesterday. I have no idea how or why. So now, I'm so afraid something will happen with the three I have left!!
No, none of that. She does spend alot of time in the nesting box, whether there's eggs or not, but when I reach in to touch her she just tries to back further into the corner, like she's scared. She hasn't been laying either. Right after the big, stinky poo this morning, she pooed again but it looked like melted peanut butter!!??? I have no idea what's wrong with her or what to do to help her!!!
Oh dear. I'm not sure what help to offer. Is spending some money at the vet an option for you? You might start by dropping off a fecal sample...
Actually, I just took samples of poo to the vet about 2 1/2 wks ago. None of them had any parasites.
When was the last time you wormed your birds?
The "peanut butter poo" may have simply been a caecal poo which is of that consistency and happens at least once a day....
Has she ever been broody before?
Some birds you must watch very carefully as when broody they will deprive themselves of water 9and feed) which may account for the gaping beak 9simple dehydration) ... I have a bird that I must not only forcibly throw off the nest on occasion but regularly offer water and feed to (literally) under her nose or she will not get off the nest!
I've only had her since Oct. but this is the first time she's been broody. Actually, she may not even be broody, I don't know for sure. I've been dealing with off and on diarrhea with all of them since about Nov. They eat 16% layer crumble and I've recently stopped giving them any sort of treats. Last week for about 3 days, then again today I did mix up cooked white rice, organic plain yogurt and chopped hard boiled egg for them. I have Avai Charge but do not put it in their water every day. It's probably been about 1 mo. since I wormed them. I'm at a loss. I feel like I'm not being a good "mommy" to them!!!
One even died yesterday and I don't know why. She seemed just fine in the morning.

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