What Is Wrong With This Ad?


Intentional Solitude
Premium Feather Member
17 Years
Feb 3, 2007
Blue Ridge Mtns. of North Georgia
In the Georgia Farmers Market Bulletin:

8 week, healthy, Golden Comet purebred pullets, brown egg layers, $10 each

Wonder if I should tell her what's wrong with her ad?
I've seen this same thing over and over.​
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Well, a Golden Comet by definition is a hybrid layer, not a purebred. If you breed a Golden Comet rooster and hen, they are no longer a reliable sexlink. Some people dont realize what a Golden Comet, Cinnamon Queen, Shaver Red, etc is.

EDITED TO ADD: At least I could read the ad. Sometimes, that's not the case. I've on occasion had to ask what the heck they're selling. And I really wouldnt call her just to tell her about that.
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I can't tell you how many times Ive seen Golden Comet eggs on ebay. I always email the seller and ask them the parentage, and they tell me Golden Comets. I sometimes email them back and tell them a golden comet is a cross between....whatever it is, I forget right now.....but it never seems to sink in. Oh well...
Wonder if I should tell her what's wrong with her ad?
I've seen this same thing over and over.


Ah off the subject, but isn't $10 for an 8 week old kind of expensive?
Seen the same and red stars eggs for sale. They may not know what a golden comet is. bet those people buying the eggs dont know either.

You could sell eggs that produce golden comets. White rock hens with RIR or NH roosters.
Halo and I have a fun pet peeve e-mail going between us about people that put adds in and don't know what they have, like Buff Ormingtons, barrel rocks and pecan ducks

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