What is wrong with this pigeon?

Buxton Ducks

10 Years
Jan 16, 2012
Buxton, Maine
I was recently given a pigeon (white racing homer) and it appears that he cannot fly! He walks around and flaps his wings but appears completely unable to fly. I was told a raccoon broke in and killed all the others and he was the lone survivor. They didn't want more pigeons and gave him up. He still has a scab on the back of his head from the incident. His wings aren't clipped and movement looks good. I wonder if he had a previous injury and a wing healed wrong or he had a stroke from the ordeal. He is eating and drinking with no problem and he has a safe happy home here no matter what. Thanks pigeon community!
Yea, same thing with one of mine. Coon almost got him and he can flap but not fly. Just keep him in a pen where he doesn't have to fly for anything, of course. Roosts, food, safety etc.
I have a large American Show Racer that seems to have dificulty flying. Other wise he's just fine. His breeder said that he was hatched in a bottom nest box and hardly left it till his parents chased him out to start the next clutch. Aparently he never learned to fly in that loft. Now he just does short flights and is never on a high post.

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