What is wrong?

I took her to the vet today. Internal perasites caused the comb animia. She has mites/lice and her face is swelled up because she has been scratching it.
I'm glad you got a diagnosis. Best of luck on treatment, and please keep us updated on her.
Lice and mites are nasty buggers and will take advantage first of the bird who is not feeling well over the bird who is.

Glad you got it solved.

If you do not have, you might want to add a dust bathing area in your run or coop. Just a kitty litter pan filled with sand and dirt will keep them bathing thru the winter.

Sometimes it can sneak up on you. I have an Orp Roo who just 3 weeks ago I had picked up and checked out - he was a great weight, I even commented to my DH about the size of his thighs! - he was very active and vocal. This last week, he has slowly started to lay down more and be less active but still vocal. When I picked him up this morning - he was shocklingly thin and covered in lice/eggs - His "roommate" is in fantastic weight and cannot find a bug/egg on him
Got him dusted up, coop cleaned and added an additional dust bathing spot (kitty litter pan filled with sand).

Here is a bit more info on lice/mites - caution there are pictures

Thanks for the advice HorseFeatherz. We're new to chickens so little tips like that help a lot.

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