What is your 2022 chick order list?

I live in NY im not sure how old but the older they are the cheaper they get. This is how i got pekins last year I sure wasnt paying $6 each so I waited and waited and waited and found them for $1 each lol got 6 gave 4 to a friend and kept a pair lol thats the nice thing about tsc their birds go cheaper then a hatchery most are straight run so if one was looking for pullets I wouldnt get the cheap ones unless males dont bother them. And I wouldnt get them if one is looking for a particular breed as most of the time the breeds are not even right to start with lol
Hi! What NY TSC is this? I’m in NY also, and the cheapest I’ve seen any chicks was ISAs marked down to $1 each at 4 weeks old, and I was told only if I took the rest I could have them at that price (the bin was full and there was no way I could get them all.) I guess the Amish would check every few weeks and buy out the bigger stragglers that didn’t sell, so they don’t usually mark any lower. 😞
I’m probably not going to be allowed to get more chickens but if I can I want:
(1 of each)
Mottled Cochin bantam pullet
Porcelain d’uccle pullet (because the one I got this died of failure to thrive)
Easter Egger pullet
Easter Egger bantam pullet
Splash Ameraucana pullet
Swedish flower pullet
Dark Brahma pullet
Partridge Cochin cockerel
I would suggest Dominiques as a breed to get. They’re very sweet, lay well, and are very multipurpose. In my experience they get picked of by aerial predators first in my mixed flock of full sized hens, so make sure you have a good system for them.
Hi! What NY TSC is this? I’m in NY also, and the cheapest I’ve seen any chicks was ISAs marked down to $1 each at 4 weeks old, and I was told only if I took the rest I could have them at that price (the bin was full and there was no way I could get them all.) I guess the Amish would check every few weeks and buy out the bigger stragglers that didn’t sell, so they don’t usually mark any lower. 😞
Niagara county

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