What is your 2022 chick order list?

No hatcheries here but I'm going to try reeeelly hard to source some good Sultans. I tried last year, spent $200 plus postage on a dozen eggs, two chicks hatched but only one has survived. Talk about one expensive chick
Were 10 infertile or did they just die?
I decided to bypass the chick rush. Picked up my first chickens from a farm here in FL. Ended up getting three eight-week old Speckled Sussex pullets and 2 eight-week old Easter Egger pullets. I can't have roosters where I live or I'd have snagged a Sussex roo.
I'm looking to get 4-6 more standard layer pullets. The challenge I'm facing is I want all different breeds/colors. I currently have 8 ladies (RIRs, ISA Browns, Silver Wyandottes, Gold Wyandotte, & Black Australorpe), so I'm looking for different colors of standard-sized breeds. I'd prefer to buy local, but I haven't been able to find any farms around (I'm in Maryland) that #1- sell sexed chicks and #2- have the variety I'm looking for and #3 don't have a minmum. My TSC usually only has a few breeds at a time, so the minimum makes it so I have to get duplicates. I'll probably have to order from a hatchery this spring.
1. Where are you ordering from?
I have no idea because I'm not ordering. (different plan that involves a friend)
2. What breeds are you getting?
I'm happy with any kind of fluffy cheeked easter egger!
3. Why did you select those breeds?
I've always loved the puffy cheeked birds!

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