What is your chickens’ favorite scrap treat?

Probably meat scraps. Or pasta.
They hardly get any though because we're good about eating leftovers.
I don't bother throwing them things like squash peels and such since they don't eat them.
My girls love meat scraps and will fight each other for the best bits. I seem to feed all the birds in the neighbourhood lol. Did I read somewhere that it is illegal in Britain to feed chickens table scraps ?
Home-made unsweetened yogurt, canned tuna, rolled oats, cooked noodles, cooked kale, steamed peas-carrots-corn (they don't care for green beans), cooked quinoa, and steamed broccoli. My girls are spoiled! They see me coming with a white bowl and they go nuts! I saw one of my girls catch a good sized frog one day and she gobbled the poor little fella right up!
Home-made unsweetened yogurt, canned tuna, rolled oats, cooked noodles, cooked kale, steamed peas-carrots-corn (they don't care for green beans), cooked quinoa, and steamed broccoli. My girls are spoiled! They see me coming with a white bowl and they go nuts! I saw one of my girls catch a good sized frog one day and she gobbled the poor little fella right up!
How do you make homemade yogurt? Would love to try that for the ladies!
I know many of us give our chickens food scraps as a treat or part of their regular feed. (Not meal worms or scratch, actual scraps from the human kitchen!) It’s been interesting to me to see what my girls go right for as soon as they see it, and what gets left til later!

My girls LOVE:
Winter Squash
Bell pepper cores
Cooked rice

They pick at all greens and cherry tomatoes next. There hasn’t been any produce they haven’t eaten but they all go for the “good stuff” first! 😂 They do not love raw turnips. I will try cooking them next time lol.
We don't have leftovers and don't throw away food that's still good for human consumption; we never let food go bad. So I buy specially for them: tinned tuna, devon (a type of spam), sunflower seeds (shelled), and grated cheddar or mozzarella cheese. They LOVE these treats. Sometimes I give them ricotta, cottage cheese, bacon, rice, bread, tomatoes (I "steal" these from our fridge). But the staple they get everyday and still love is cauliflower leaves which I get for free from the supermarket. Everything is cut into small pieces otherwise they won't eat it all and it's wasted.

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