What is your favorite country singer?


6 Years
May 20, 2013
North Carolina
WHat is your favorite country song?
Mine is Fly by Maddie and Tae. It's not that popular, but it's very encouraging.
By favorite, do you mean currently or ever? Based on the number of songs I have on my I-Phone, I would have to say Glen Campbell. I have at least four of his songs (off the top of my head) on my I-Phone; Galveston, By the Time I Get to Phoenix, Don't Pull Your Love Out/Then You Can Tell Me Goodbye, and The Witchita Lineman.
Johnny Cash is not country... he is simply Johnny Cash and he is a legend! p.s. I dispise country. im in to the heavier stuff...
Has to be Willie Nelson - tons of his songs - wish I could see him in person. Especially though, "Highwayman" that he did with Merle, Johnny & Kris

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