What is your friendliest Chicken? What breed is it?

We need to have a poll on here to decide which breed has the most votes.
Congrats on your recognition btw!
that is awesome an emu so cute how do you handle them
How do I handle them?..hmmm. good question. Emus are interesting birds. Normally they are not aggressive. They also cannot back up or kick to the rear. I can lead mine around with a handful of grapes, which they love to be fed. When I don't have grapes, I can stand behind them and put my arms around their torsos and walk/steer them in the direction that I want them to go...
Newbie to the forum here. I have 2 (male and female) grey fluffy bantams (unsure of breed name), one red bantam rooster (old english game?), a buff orphington rooster and about four hens, two plymouth rock (one male/one female), a red island red rooster, two black roosters (jersey giant?) and several black hens, 2 arucana roosters and 1 hen, 2 white brahma hens, as well as a pair of Rouen ducks and a pair of Pekin ducks which are about 2 years old. I got all of the chickens in mid-March. They have a large coop with an attached exterior fully-enclosed run. Everyone seems to get along pretty well.

My friendliest is the Arucana hen named Falcon. I have trained her to fly from the top of the nesting boxes to my outstretched arm. One of the buff orphington hens is very tolerant of me petting her, never pecks, just sits very still but I can't tell if its out of fear or because she truly doesn't mind. The third that is actually friendly is my little red bantam rooster, though friendly might be the wrong word. He is obsessed with me. Constantly tries to fly up on me but its like he's trying to dominate me. He will peck at me but of course it doesn't hurt that badly. He interacts with me more than all the other chickens combined but he's not always so nice.
my friendliest is oddbball. she is a buff orphington and will let me pick her up whenever i want. my other friendly one is pepper, she is a rhode island red and she is at the door waiting for me every time i go outside!

the one in the corner is pepper. salt is the white one she was the most friendly chicken i ever had and she passed away protecting pepper.

oddball is the one in my profile picture sitting on my daughter. its like am onth old picture but she dosent like to sit still lol
My top three frendliest chickens are:
1. Cannibal, a Japanese Bantam

2. Skyline, a Japanese Bantam

3. Goliath, a Australian Chicken (unknown)

Goliath is so funny. He ate for 6-7 hours straight because the pet store didn't give him food :(. If I touch him while he's eating, he clucks in a really low voice and it always cracks me up.

Home of 6 White Legging Hens, 7 Rhode Island Red, 2 silkies, 3 Bantams,4 Easter Eggers, 2 Dominickers, 2 Mille Leflour, 1 Featherhead, 2 Peacocks, 2 dogs, 2 cats, 2 Beautiful Girls and 1 pretty Awesome Husband

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