What is your friendliest Chicken? What breed is it?

golden laced wyandotte falls asleep in my lap. easter egger also FLYS over to me from all the way across the yard when i walk outside.
Don't you just love to watch them come flying in low, in such a hurry. You are suddenly the center of their universe and they just know you MUST have something for them.

Have many that are very friendly especially if food is involved, but my best one was a game/frizzle cross rooster named Sunburst followed me around and would even peck on the door if feed was late, sadly lost him earlier this year to old age almost 15 years old
So Sorry!! Sounds like he had a long and happy life though. It is amazing how attached we get to our critters. People think I am a bit tetched when they see me cry over my babies.

My buff orpington is very friendly, if i sit down he will climb up my arms and stick his head under my arm.
i also have a red sex-link that is friendly. She will follow me around.
So lucky, none of my fellas are interested in anything but the ladies and I am not one to them. Guess I am just that big animal that shows up with food/treats and demands intolerable hugs.
I have a Light Brahma named Dolly that is the friendliest of my bunch. Her sister, Blondie is almost as friendly, but not quite. Dolly insists that I pick her up whenever I go outside. She loves to be held and cuddled even if I'm walking around. If I go out just as they are getting in the coop at night, she will come running back out for me to pick her up and put her in. If I don't pick her up when she first comes up to me, she will stand on my feet.
I have held chickens before at bedtime for them and they act like, "okay you are going to hold me all night" and fall asleep happily in my arms.

this is Diva, she flies and lands on my arm everytime I go in to the coop. she is a NN bantam with frizzle genes.
Diva has a very unique look and is quite cute. She kinda reminds me of the buzzard in the old looney tunes cartoons. You are lucky to have such a friendly girl that looks forward to sitting with you like that.

I have a Light Brahma named Dolly that is the friendliest of my bunch. Her sister, Blondie is almost as friendly, but not quite. Dolly insists that I pick her up whenever I go outside. She loves to be held and cuddled even if I'm walking around. If I go out just as they are getting in the coop at night, she will come running back out for me to pick her up and put her in. If I don't pick her up when she first comes up to me, she will stand on my feet.
So lucky! All of ours have decided to be independent women, they have no need for us except to put feed down. Dolly sounds like a lovely lady.

Currently my friendliest is a 9 week old BO

His name is Weebee. He named himself. I had the momma, an Isbar who wanted to hatch an egg I gave her this BO egg. He is an only child. He runs to me and pecks my shoe every day. Then I pic him up. In the morning his mom gets off the roost before he does and he crawls under a nearby hen to sleep in longer.
Quote: Look at that adorable face! How sweet. We too hatched an only chick earlier this year. Lilly doesn't think she is a chicken. She refuses to go into the chicken pen and follows me around like a dog, even sleeps in a crate in the house at night.
My black Australorp, Clementine, is by far the most people friendly. She was hand-raised though where my others were born out int he coop and raised by a broody hen- so this could definitely play into it.

My one little olive-egger is very friendly though. When I go to lock up the coop at night she hops off her roost, runs out of the coop as fast as her little legs can take her and she lets me tickle her beard. Then she runs back inside and I lock the door.

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