What is your friendliest Chicken? What breed is it?

Yes, my RIR's will get into the trunk of my car when I am bringing in groceries, and/or come into the house if the door is left open. They know I keep the "treats" in the house - somewhere!

I have 6 red hens. All of them come running when I bring out treats and eat from my hand, but one sweet, funny looking girl, is very friendly. She tries really hard to get in the house and follows me in at least once a week. She has a floppy comb that gives her a comical look and her name is Polly Ester. If I'm working in the yard, she is most likely the hen who shows up to hang out with me. We have Nice long conversations. And she will come look inI the window for me if I don't go outside often enough. She loves to cuddle and settles right down in my arms when I pick her up

Oh My Goodness... Polly Ester!
That made my day right there, love it! She is a lovely looking lady.
My absolute sweetest chicken is my white naked neck, Blanca. She is 100% lap chicken. She follows me everywhere and if I stop she jumps up on me. She also loves being a momma and goes broody constantly! I love this sweet girl so much!

She is cute and look at all the wrinkly necked babies! I don't have any naked necks. I have mixed feelings about them. Some like Blanca are adorable and others look like deranged buzzards. I think I may want to get one in the future though.

I have a strange question about our chickens. Our girls the minute a car pulls into the drive run to the back door to greet them. If we leave the back doors open they come in and are in the living room when I come back in. Does anyone else have chickens this friendly?
They know where the good stuff is kept and where the comfy places to sit are. Our house duck (a small call duck named Diamond) knows that spinach is kept in the fridge and will go into the kitchen to fuss at it for not magically opening and providing her with what she wants. Plus they are naturally inquisitive, they have to inspect and taste everything.

Hi, The Howards! :) I think the key to getting pretty naked necks is to only get hens! I have had 5 and all have been beautiful and sweet. I see pics of roosters, however, and realize why people think they are ugly! Lol That is my Violet in the pic (and some of her babies in the background). You may find her unattractive, though, since she has more red neck skin. She's a super tiny bantam. I am wondering if all these naked neck babies will grow up pretty! :)
I have to say all my silver laced wyandotts, are so friend they follow me around all the time, no treats necessary, they are always chatting away....lol.. plus they each say different words, so much so that i can tell just who is talking to me as im walking ...lol... I can hardly walk at times with them all just inches from my feet trying to get my attention ,I can hardly get into my kitchen door with out 3 or more slipping in between my feet as im going in, if they cant get in, they sleep next to my kitchen door all day long, hoping i will come back out
....lol......lol... they are all just to cute for words ,

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TOP 2 PICTURES AS YOU CAN SEE EVEN WHEN HE WAS YOUNG HE ACTED MORE LIKE A HEN THAN A ROOSTER CARING FOR THE YOUNG (he is half ccl and half wynandotte) and the bottom one is Audrey she is a red sex link

golden laced wyandotte falls asleep in my lap. easter egger also FLYS over to me from all the way across the yard when i walk outside.
Have many that are very friendly especially if food is involved, but my best one was a game/frizzle cross rooster named Sunburst followed me around and would even peck on the door if feed was late, sadly lost him earlier this year to old age almost 15 years old
My buff orpington is very friendly, if i sit down he will climb up my arms and stick his head under my arm.
i also have a red sex-link that is friendly. She will follow me around.

Hi, The Howards!
I think the key to getting pretty naked necks is to only get hens! I have had 5 and all have been beautiful and sweet. I see pics of roosters, however, and realize why people think they are ugly! Lol That is my Violet in the pic (and some of her babies in the background). You may find her unattractive, though, since she has more red neck skin. She's a super tiny bantam. I am wondering if all these naked neck babies will grow up pretty!
LOL, looks like she has a starter patch of chest hair that young boys are always so excited to get
. She is quite pretty and looks like she knows it, too. Maybe you are right, I will have to look into getting a hen one day.

I have to say all my silver laced wyandotts, are so friend they follow me around all the time, no treats necessary, they are always chatting away....lol.. plus they each say different words, so much so that i can tell just who is talking to me as im walking ...lol... I can hardly walk at times with them all just inches from my feet trying to get my attention ,I can hardly get into my kitchen door with out 3 or more slipping in between my feet as im going in, if they cant get in, they sleep next to my kitchen door all day long, hoping i will come back out
....lol......lol... they are all just to cute for words ,

Wow! That is a pretty flock of babies. Sounds like they love you just as much as you love them. I can imagine a fluffy butt pile at the door, just watching and waiting for the opportunity to sneak in.

TOP 2 PICTURES AS YOU CAN SEE EVEN WHEN HE WAS YOUNG HE ACTED MORE LIKE A HEN THAN A ROOSTER CARING FOR THE YOUNG (he is half ccl and half wynandotte) and the bottom one is Audrey she is a red sex link
He sure is a handsome fella. I love the pattern some girls have, don't get me wrong, but I think it is such a sad thing that only the boys get the pretty display of colors like that.

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