What is your friendliest Chicken? What breed is it?

Uhura! Love! Do they all have Star Trek names? I went with Star, Flynn and Quorra for my last three lorps... seems like more scifi may be in order for the next batch...

RoxyBird - I had a RIR named Beverly (as in "Beverly Crusher"), but she died on Thanksgiving of all days. My two other chickens are new; I'm waiting for them to calm down and to let their personalities out before I name them.

I'm also a Lord of the Rings nerd. There might be some names from there, too. ^_^
Thanks, all! Though I doubt I can take credit for her beauty. Probably good genetics.

She is an early riser...must not need much beauty sleep! lol!

Me and Uhura.

Hahaha! LOVE! My Tron-Lorps are still in the velociraptor stage. XD

I had a "women in tech" theme going but ironically two turned out to be roosters so I switched it up (including my favorite bantam, Gracie Hopper... who is now just "Hopper" and lives indoors in a bird cage with a very affectionate rooster-loving crazy lady... or crazy-awesome lady, depending on your mindset... apparently he follows her around her farm all day long and schmoozes/crows at her and eats up whatever the horses spill... hilarious). My buff is Anita Borg, which is actually not a Trek reference, funny enough.

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