What is your friendliest Chicken? What breed is it?

Thus far our Welsummer is the sweetest, then the Mille fleur, then the Silkie...and the Silver Spangled Hamburg is a complete brat. They change daily and are 4 days old. First the Silkie was top of the pecking order (strangely enough) next day it was the Welly.

(seriously thinking about finding a home for that hamburg though - she's a vicious little thing)
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They are very interesting but hard to find. And so expensive! I've been looking into them for a few months now.
Hang in there, they should be easier to acquire in a few months. Emus, being from Australia, still breed on a southern hemisphere schedule, so the laying season is usually November to March. With a 50+/- day incubation period, there should be chicks hatching and available after the New Year...and adults are usually cheaper by the pound than chickens!!!!
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Hang in there, they should be easier to acquire in a few months. Emus, being from Australia, still breed on a southern hemisphere schedule, so the laying season is usually November to March. With a 50+/- day incubation period, there should be chicks hatching and available after the New Year...and adults are usually cheaper by the pound than chickens!!!!
HEHEHE!!! You must be my lucky charm, I pick up my alpacas this weekend, and you will never guess.... yes, she has Emu!!!
I am bringing her a few guinea cocks since i have 5 and only 3 hens.
She has never had them, we have made a good friendship and sharing a lot of information.
I may be asking you questions very soon, she has begun her breeding program as her birds are old enough now..
How exciting! She said she will keep me posted on the process, breeding season is just around the corner!.
My sick hen is NOT going to die anymore!!!!! :)
WOHOO!!!! wonderful!!!

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