Yep, that's the tough part. I free range my birds because it's best for their health and I think a slight risk of getting eaten by something is worth it for how happy and healthy they are. It's not super dangerous in my situation, I had a hen that was 9 yrs old when I finally gave her to my neighbour. She's still kicking as far as I know. She's been free range for all except maybe two years of her life when I had wicked bad dog problems.

Yeah, that's why I let mine out but I haven't in a while. Usually I also only let them out a few hours before bedtime so I can watch them without having to watch all day but this time it was closer to dark and I also left.

I want to let them out because it makes the eggs better and they are way happier but now I'm scared to try again.

We usually don't have predators either so I think I kind of took that for granted.

Although I guess we actually have had a lot of predators but mostly at night. We've had raccoons come a few times, we had a fox problem earlier this year when it came by several times, and of course the few hawk tried now but nothing ever got in so I guess I thought it couldn't happen to me. But being one of the only wooded patches in the neighborhood, I should have known hah
This is very interesting about the hawks! I'm new to chickens and I let them out into a fenced area for most of the summer, I was not always with them. I know we have plenty of hawks (Iowa is the Hawkeye state) but I didn't see many until fall!! That made me rethink letting them out and I got a walk in covered run. I've seen plenty of hawks, owls, and an occasional bald eagle since then. Perhaps I'm foolish thinking they are safer in the summer but I will probably continue to let them out then and I will keep a closer eye on them. I don't know what my tolerance is for loss, but I doubt it is very great. This past summer I had a cockerel with them and he was amazingly watchful over the hens, but I re-homed him with my vet because I didn't really want a male and he has a 12 year old RIR that isn't going to last forever.)

I'm sorry for the loss that @KDOGG331 went through, it is seldom that I don't learn something from a post at BYC!
This is very interesting about the hawks! I'm new to chickens and I let them out into a fenced area for most of the summer, I was not always with them. I know we have plenty of hawks (Iowa is the Hawkeye state) but I didn't see many until fall!! That made me rethink letting them out and I got a walk in covered run. I've seen plenty of hawks, owls, and an occasional bald eagle since then. Perhaps I'm foolish thinking they are safer in the summer but I will probably continue to let them out then and I will keep a closer eye on them. I don't know what my tolerance is for loss, but I doubt it is very great. This past summer I had a cockerel with them and he was amazingly watchful over the hens, but I re-homed him with my vet because I didn't really want a male and he has a 12 year old RIR that isn't going to last forever.)

I'm sorry for the loss that @KDOGG331 went through, it is seldom that I don't learn something from a post at BYC!

Thank you and I am glad that Penny's loss can at least help to educate people and make them more aware. For me, I think I will continue to let them out because I feel like the rewards and benefits outweigh the risks. That said, I don't think I am to the point where I can just turn them loose all day yet. Plus they might go to the neighbors. So I think I will stick with a few hours and with supervision or at least being home. I regret not watching them. I also plan to make their area safer with more hiding places. And I don't think you are foolish in thinking that, you might be right. Around here they migrate in the fall so there are a lot more of them.

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