what kills in broad daylight, and leaves the bodies?*GRAPHIC PICS*

I agree with this. When I first saw the pictures my thought was "raptor". They will shred their prey like that.
I think you actually have had 2 separate predators. You mentioned catching a very large rat? I think your first attack probably came from a rat- they will bite young birds and steal eggs. Then your cat dispatched that predator and you had no more problems until now. The second attack does not sound consistent with the first- different MO.
a dog is highly possible. I've had mine kill a couple of my rabbits before and there was NO blood...they just carried them around like a rag doll and never tore them up. Just depends on the dog I guess.
first off seeing a racoon in the day light in out of the norm, living on a farm we tend to shoot them, i don't think it was a fox, they tend to drag off there prey if small enough (and a chicken of any size is msall enough) do you have a high parrie dog's popualtion? (they look like farrets) the then to get in to any thing and will make a clean kill like that......living on a farm i tend to take a look around a lot more theses days at the critters that are bugging my live stock...just remember too if you have horses that possums do carry the epm virus
I say hawk. Big Red-tails can take full grown chickens in a heart beat. And they attack during the day, upsetting all the birds, but of course your dogs won't know what's going on. They also pick the birds' feathers, and eat off the breast. Most chickens are a bit too big to carry off though.
As far as what was killing the birds in the coop and eating the back of the neck, that was definitely the rat your cat caught. They bother the eggs and eat neat little holes in the birds.

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