What kind of BUG is this!?????

My hubby got bit by one. He said it hurt like heck!
We used to have them in the cellar and they'd fly up and you'd hear them buzzing around blech...They have a really sharp proboscis and really hurt.
Thank the Gods I haven't seen more than one a year since we put a dehumidifer in the cellar.
They're called Bloodsucking Conenoses up here and they're part of the Ambush bug family.
I agree with the wheel bug...we have stink bugs around here but you can see that wheel thing in the pic if you look close.....lucky you.
Man I have a white birch tree in my yard that had the babys all over it I didn't realize what they were at the time I'm glad none of them dropped on me when I was mowing. Didn't know they bite either now I'll kill every one I see!!
OMG....I just assumed those things were creepy but harmless!!!! Don't know about anyone else, but all of the stinkbugs I see are bright green
.....and the smell won't even wash off!!!!
One of those things killed one of my butterflies last year. Sucked all the juice out while she was still in the chrysalis. Really bummed me out. I flicked it and Ms P ate it. HA! Circle of life...

Didn't know it could bite me, too, or I'd've put my gloves on before flicking it!
I think that's being a bit extreme considering that from what I've heard and read they won't bite humans unless they're being messed about with. Let nature be nature and just make sure you don't pick them up with bare hands!

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