What kind of bulb?

Well you'll get variety of answers on here. But I've always used a 250 watt at first and then moved to a 100 watt as they get a little older.
Any special brand name? Or just your everyday light bulb? I have seen these large bulbs at the farm supply that they sell for brooders, but was wondering if there is something else I can use. Trying to recycle as much as possible.
We have a few of those spot lights like you would put outside, would something like that work??
I agree with the 250 RED bulb. I am using it on my 12 chicks I got almost 5 weeks ago and forgot about the eggs in the bator so for those three that hatched I am just using a regular light bulb but they are in my room where it is about 70 degrees and they are not staying under the light so they can't be cold or they would move. You might have to adjust the light as far as how close to the chicks it is but any size should be fine this time of the year. GOOD LUCK!
depends on your set up...you'll need to keep those chicks warm. Start out temps around 95 degrees and decrease that by 5 degrees every week. I've heard of others using a standard 60 watt bulb, just make sure they stay warm and expectually if they are outside.

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