What kind of comb do Old English Bantam have?


In the Brooder
May 8, 2015
This is Wisp, which helpful people on here have identified as either a silver blue OE or white OE. My question is this...the comb on this OEB looks totally different than the combs on the other chicks that have been identified as OE. What comb are they supposed to have and what type of comb does it look like this chick has?

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This chick looks to have a pea comb, and I'm leaning toward it being male. But, a closer pic would help.

Olive Eggers are a mix, so the type of comb depends on the "recipe" used to breed that particular bird. Sometimes the blue gene comes from an Ameraucana, so the offspring has a pea comb. If a Cream Legbar is used for the blue gene, the offspring will have straight combs.
This chick looks to have a pea comb, and I'm leaning toward it being male. But, a closer pic would help.

Olive Eggers are a mix, so the type of comb depends on the "recipe" used to breed that particular bird. Sometimes the blue gene comes from an Ameraucana, so the offspring has a pea comb. If a Cream Legbar is used for the blue gene, the offspring will have straight combs.

I can't disagree with that but Wisp isn't an Olive Egger or a mix. I guess I must have conbused you with my ackronym, sorry. I meant Old English Bantam. See what happens when you're a newbie??? LOL
Old English Games should have single combs. If yours doesn't have a single comb, it probably isn't a purebred Old English Game.
I am currently raising 3 OEGB that I hatched in January. 2 are pullets and 1 is a cockerel. I knew from pretty early on (2-3 weeks old) that my Roo is a Roo. He started developing a comb long before the other 2 did.
Aren't hatchery chicks supposed to be pure bred? Non-mixes? If so than this must not be an OEB. Could it be d'anver or Japanese?

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