What kind of disease is this?

Dec 2, 2018
Hudson Valley, New York
Hello! Does anyone know what disease is this? Two of my chickens have this symptom.

Welcome To BYC :welcome

If you can post a photo of both chickens, including their whole face/both sides of the face so we can see the combs too that would be good.

To me it looks like a scab on the earlobe. Look around to see if they are sticking their head through wire or if there is nail/staple the ear may have gotten caught on and tore.
Could also be from a hard peck - are these 2 being picked on during roosting or any other time?

If it's just a scab from injury and no one is picking at the scab, then I would leave it alone and watch it for several days. A scab will eventually dry up and fall off.
Howdy :frow and Welcome to Backyard Chickens.

Glad you decided to join us. Enjoy your time here at BYC! Looks like maybe fowl pox. Try putting your question in the ER forum.

Thanks for joining our community! :celebrate
Have you check them for lice and mites?
Look under those feathers more closely are there any wounds or abscess under the wing? That almost looks like some type of discharge that has been weeping onto the feathers.
Do the birds have an odor?

For the earlobes to be like that on both birds, to me it's a little odd. Do they sleep near a heater, are they the only 2 crested birds you have? Are they house with older chickens?

It does not look like typical Fowl Pox to me. I see no other lesions on the face to I would associate with Pox.
The one on the ear looks like a wound possibly from pecking. The other we can’t really see much. If you could trim the feathers perhaps and then take a photo.
Have you tried to wash the wounds? Wipe with a soft cloth with some mild soap and water?

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