What kind of egg holder do you use?


Apr 8, 2022
North Carolina
Hi everyone,

It’s our first time raising chickens and we got our first egg today! Yay! Dottie laid a beautiful green egg (left in attached pic - the light brown egg is fake).

We have nine other pullets that will probably start laying within the next month. I’d like to put some sort of egg holder on my counter for fresh eggs but there’s so many options. What do you use? And do you recommend it? Thanks!!


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I want an Egg Skelter, but won't pay the price...so I have two of these, on my counter. I did spray paint them black, as neon green just doesn't go with my decor ;) . Our eggs don't roll down the chute very well, so I have to help them and make sure they don't bang into each other.


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I have a small wire basket I gather them in then they go straight in the fridge at the end of the day. Not sure if they still have them on sale but Murray McMurray has/had their real nice plastic cartons on sale with free shipping, I bought a hundred and the price came out about 21 cents each cheaper than the paper ones at Tractor Supply.
Hi everyone,

It’s our first time raising chickens and we got our first egg today! Yay! Dottie laid a beautiful green egg (left in attached pic - the light brown egg is fake).

We have nine other pullets that will probably start laying within the next month. I’d like to put some sort of egg holder on my counter for fresh eggs but there’s so many options. What do you use? And do you recommend it? Thanks!!
I do use a skelter, they save quite a bit of space, but it usually overfills since we have 20 chickens 😂.

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