What kind of Marans is this?

it's for sure not a black copper, nor is it a barred rock. it doesn't look anything like either of those. i don't know what it actually is, but i know it's not one of those.
I Googled imaged a Golden Marans and I think that's it. Its exactly how she is feathering out. She was so runty when I got her, barely coherent and cold. She came all the way from CT to CA on our coldest day by mail. I pumped her up with water, chick feed and warmed her up. Within minutes she was better and now she is doing great. She is still the smallest one of the 4 pullets we received, but she holds her own to the BR who is huge already. As for her legs, compared to the rest (BR, Cochin, Barne) she has the lightest color legs and feet. I have no experience with the breed. I have a Light Brahma & Americaunas. Thanks everyone!
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i know its not a br nor bcm as i have raised both. dont really know what kind it is until it gets older then i can tell. as far as leg coloring if you got them from a hatchery it can be off as i have seen that in many hq birds but a marans should have white legs

oh by the marans is always spelled with an s
lol i was even told that and after looking it up i have never just seen maran not in the dictiionary eaither so yea marans with an s always
That's definitely not a Marans, and I would bet my bank account (which doens't have much in it anyway!) that it's a cockerel.
Well I paid to her sexed hoping for a pullet so I hope she is a pullet. I ordered 1 Marans from their (MPC) Marans Collection so I know I got a Marans. I can tell the what the other 3 breeds are for sure so she is my only Marans mystery chick. I have no roos yet and don't want any either. I will definitely have to relocate her if she is a roo. Though legal to keep, they are much too noisy on my urban farm.
I agree - it looks like a golden cuckoo Marans. I believe the cuckoo/barred patterned chicks have the white spot on the back of their head, but since this one is not white and black, she is not a silver cuckoo. Her new feathering is consistent with a golden cuckoo chick.

Not all Marans are bred to have feathered feet so I wouldn't worry about that issue. As for the sex - there's no way to tell which sex this chick is at only 2.5 weeks of age, especially since its comb is still small and yellow. By 4-5 weeks of age, my barnevelder pullets had very thick legs and also feathered out very slowly, so I suspectd I had a couple roos. Both ended up being pullets.

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