What kind of shoes do you wear out to the chickens?

I just wear my regular shoes...i find my birds would excrete at night or during the day when they free range so by morning when i let them out and collect eggs and feed them and water them...i just walk over everything because its dried out.
I have 3 pair that I wear into the coop (when I remember to put them on) flip flops for summer, an older pair of clogs (easy on and off) and now, winter some insulated rubber pull on boots. I still have to vacuum often, especially when the chickens beat me back into the house.
Usually I wear the same flip-flops I wear while doing everything else outside. I make every reasonable effort not to step in large piles of fresh poo, but there isn't a whole lot of that if I've remembered to stir the DL regularly. If I do get poo on my shoe I wipe it on the grass and that's that. I have also been known to work outside barefoot, and at times have gone into the chicken coop barefoot too (you just never know what's going to happen sometimes). But I also keep a pair of flip-flops next to the coop so that if I AM outside barefoot I can conveniently slip those on to go into the coop.

I might add also that we ALWAYS take our shoes off when going into the house--as is the custom around here.
I have a pair of old red rubber wellies from LL Bean (about 25 years old) that I wear most of the time. In the heat of summer, I have an old pair of sandals. I try to never wear my chicken shoes into the house - either leave in the back hall or on the porch. I also bought some kids slip on shoes at Goodwill for a couple of bucks each for visiting kids to use, so their parents don't have a fit if they get chicken poo on their own shoes. I never thought of getting adult shoes, but they might be appreciated as well.
Rubber wellies
I have a pair of flip flops, crocks, and rubber boots for the coops. Matter what the weather is. But am throwing the flip flops out. My chickens keep attacking my polished toe nails. I love those Dollar General crocs.

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