What kind of thing SCREAMS at night?

"The scream of a cottontail being killed is an eerie, high pitched non "cat like" sound, but it does put the hair on the back of your neck absolutely upright."

That it surely will, lots of things that scream in the night, and there will be a lot of screams if there are mating bobcats in the area.
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Luna Chick

Where do you live in Brick??? I lived there for 20 years before moving up to Monroe.....I lived in the Herbertsville section.. right near the bike trail...I have heard those screams as well, Those screams are from either a rabbit or screech owl. We used to have an owl that lived in the big old tree in my back yard...he had a daunting scream... would wake us us from a deep sleep. Creepy indeed.....

My husband woke me up in the middle of the night one time freaked out over some noise he heard outside. It was a screech owl - little boogers make a lot of noise. I think he thought it was a demon...
Well I would say cougar. I know we will here them and they sound like a women screaming. I killed a big male last year that killed a foul and some calves.
Lunachick a cougar's scream sounds like a woman or child screaming. Be careful outside after dark...I know what they sound like because one travelled through our yard and property in Oregon...both houses we were in had a cougar in the area...several in most cases.
Couldn't stop laughing!

Lunachick, that's so creepy...hope you get it figured out and it ends up being something very small and cute
with a big voice...and goodness, you're brave...going out there in the dark after hearing screams like that.
Once in the middle of the night about this time of year my hb and myself cleared the bed at the screams coming from outside our window at night. We finally got up the nerve to check it out. It was a group of screech owls. They do that during the matting season and yes it is enough to make a grown man shiver. Loud too. It is louder than a bob cat or cougar. Or a rabbit being caught believe me.!!!
I can never remember anything as horrible sounding. Gloria Jean
If you mean whitetail deer, they rut in the fall, as late as November. This time of year they would be having early fawns, generally not mating.

I'm guessing coyote or mt lion. Just because "they" say your state doesn't have mt lions, well, it might. The game and fish says we don't, but I've seen their tracks and a close friend saw one in person. Plus their area could be 400sq miles or more I've read, maybe lots more during mating season, so they could easily travel in and out of one state.

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