What kind of thing SCREAMS at night?

Female deer scream like a woman in distress- that is their mating call.
Wow, it could have been almost anything! Will I ever find out? This is going to drive me crazy! If Mr Bunnyrabbit doesn't show up this spring, I'll know what it was
Even if he enjoyed part of my garden, it was only one rabbit bothering my flowerbed, I didn't mind. I'm still thinking it was a rabbit screaming.........anything bigger than that - I'm gonna be worried. But I wanna know.......especially since I have my chickens to think about.
I know it probably wont apply in your case, but I have heard cows scream like a woman. Never would've believed it, but I heard it myself. Husband warned me the first night I stayed at his house by myself. Out in the middle of nowhere with cows behind his property. Strangest thing I've ever heard...
Mating raccoons sound `like a woman screaming'. Only know this as I hear it, over the coop monitor, on occasion, and then wander out in the general direction the sounds are coming from with the rifle.

Sometimes `screams' are accompanied by yowls and growling.

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