What kind of wild bird is this?

This house had not been lived in for years and the windows were green with mold. It took me all day to do the ones in the sunroom. I first used a strong ammonia (lemon-scented ) and water mixture to wash them. I would do a little section at a time and my wash rag would be black and I would have to rinse it.
Took several washings per side per window. Then after I got them clean I used Windex and paper towels. It literally took me all day.

Sadly they were crystal clear and with a mirrored wall on the other side, the poor Cardinals were really flying into them. Luckily most of them get up eventually and fly away but not all. One left a large splat of red feathers on window it hit so hard. I've left them there - sort of as a warning to other birds.
Mine haven't been touched in awhile and due to the humidity there is a build up of mold, dirt, and dead bugs (yuck!).

Sorry about your birds, I guess your windows don't have screens covering them? Maybe you could buy a light tint application? If you do get the hawk stickers mentioned earlier, I hope they work. I know what you mean about dreading that "thump" sound. I was at work one afternoon by myself and heard it. It startled me good. The bird that hit the glass door lay on the ground for a good while but eventually got up and flew off.

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