What little things make you happy?

Being able to stay in bed on cold, rainy mornings (Retirement is Awesome)

The stars on a cold, crisp fall night.

Autumn leaves.

Pumpkin Pie, Chocolate Pie, Coconut Cream Pie, (I never met a Pie I didn't like)

My cats, my dogs, my chickens.

When my son calls to just say hi.

When Dh hugs me.
Now that question, while easy to answer, is difficult because the list is long....

Hugs from my children, holding hands with my husband, quiet times in morning & evening, pies.........the list will just keep going!
My family and the little things we do are the most precious to me.
Music, especially the kind which is slow and the person can sing.
The soft touch of cats fur
Poppy a kitten which comes to visit me often. She really does give me a sort of therapy, which helps after the death of our cat.
Blooming plants

Thinking about it, there are so many things which make me happy, but I forget about the good times. Thank you for asking this question. It has most definitely helped to brighten my day.
When I am calling in the calves I hear small voices behind me calling :Here heifer, here calf! while carrying their sand buckets... (ages 4 and 2

In the mornings if my 4 year old son gets up before I do he comes into my room and gives me snuggles and says "I love you mommy" The random I love yous get me all the time. Even more so if they are from my daughter who is 2 (she rarely says it)

Doing chores- watching the kids interact with the baby bottle calves, feeding the bunnies, letting the chickens out, feeding the weaned calves grain, hearing the roosters crow, the dew on the grass, watching my kids play in the early morning sunlight with their little rubber boots and zipped up camo jackets.

When I come home late from classes and my husband has picked up the house or at least done their dishes.

( actually that ^ is a BIG thing

Lot of little things make me happy.
My kids having a great time playing outside until dark.
Hubby's beard -- he shaves it off in the spring
and is growing one again since it's cooler out. Yay!
Watching the chickens in the evening.
Sweetpeas and apple blossoms
Sitting outside in the evening just listening to the sounds around me.
On cold mornings, I can smell woodsmoke in the distance.
Oh how I love woodsmoke! It is very comforting to come home to smoke coming out of the chimney (we only burn wood for heat) We burned a brush pile next the house last week and even though it rained all weekend it is still burning. Love it.

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