what ma I doing wrong?? no eggs yet!

I have 2 EE
3 production reds
1 buff orp.
1 barred rock
that are all "of age"
The roosters ( I have one standard mix the same age as the pullets and one banty who is younger) are interested in the EE's the most but my standard roo is not very dominant he backs down to the rest of them, they posture to him. And I haven't noticed any squatting...*sigh*
We may not be related, however some of our chickens may be!!!

I'm still waiting for my first egg. . . patiently waiting!!! Hope it arrives before next weekend, otherwise our neighbor get it, as I'm on vacation, and he's watching the "Clucking Club-ana" for me.
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I agree, that some of our girls must be related!! I have 12 girls that will be 23 weeks old on Sat.. and not one squat, not one egg song and not one egg.. I have Ameraucanas, RIR, BR and BO...Only one has had a real change in color of face and comb... I will be reading the links listed...Dixie
This is allways a tough time, playing the waiting game kinda stinks LOL. it will happen though.

While I have layers, I also have several girls that are TWENTY SIX weeks old that are not laying
Bright red combs, waddles, the whole shabang.....just no eggs. They irritate me LOL!
No eggs here as well, no squatting but combs are getting bigger and redder. They are 22 week old brown leghorns and I am getting very impatient as they are my first chickens.

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