What made you decide to get numerous different breeds of chicken?

What made me decide to order six different breeds? BYC

It is from spending numerous hours reading and learning from the BYC site. When I started thinking about a small backyard chicken flock I wanted 5 or 6 Rhode Island Reds. After finding this site and learning so much about the different breeds I couldn't decide which breed to pick. I finally narrowed it down to six breeds: Buff Orpington, Rhode Island Red, Black Australorp, Welsummers, Cuckoo Marans, Speckled Sussex. I have placed the order and the 15 little peeps should be coming in April. Still working on their coop, but have a brooder ready for their first month.
I started getting interested in chickens because of a Martha Stewart show featuring her chickens. She had so many different breeds and she stated that she ordered hers from Murray McMurray hatcherie, so I went to their site and I was hooked!!
I had never been around chickens at all except a neighbors one very large rooster which flogged me when I was about 4-5!! I couldn't decide which ones to start with so I ordered a variety. Black sex link, Red sex link, cuckoo marans, porcelain bantams, & brown leghorns. Last year I bought porcelains, araucana, & speckled sussex. This year I have ordered more red star, speckled sussex, golden polish, araucana, and silver spangled hamburgs. I love adding a few different varieties. They are so fun to watch and pretty to look at with all the differences in color! No telling where it will stop!!! I haven't bred any of mine yet, although serious thinking about it if one of my hens goes broody this year. I have an araucana roo. It will just be for my own pleasure and not for show. Love my chickens!

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