What made you happy today?

Was in the student center and came across a display of crocheted animals, a student makes them and only wanted $6!

Looks like a Dominique, ya think?

She's coming home with me...

Other people's happy postings have made me happy. Hubby is in a giant bad mood, as his computer has taken a dump and he had to take it to be repaired.

I really hope we can get another year out of it. It won't be cheap to get a new one.
Refurbs are relatively inexpensive.
Cut the pills into pieces, and then put pieces into blueberries. The pieces get soft, and she gobbles them right down.
The blueberry in disguise trick has worked well for my chickens, too. Raisins undercover might work as well - I just remembered a Ronald Dahl story where it worked on some pheasants, anyway.

Sally, your pantries are not only full but organized like a magazine pic!

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