What made you happy today?

What are some small things that have made me happy recently?

a) a safe place known as BYC for me to both learn and subsequently help others learn about chickens too
b) practice haiku
c) chat with real humans during this Covid-19-mare
d) banter with folks from across the pond… on both sides! The UK & Kiwi’s!
E) folks like Nifty and his team running this joint so smoothly
F) fun from the quitters thread that evolved to the weekend party threads during covid.
G) fellow weather nerds when we talk about hurricanes and other storms
Thats so cute! I love toads.
I was in the bathroom getting dressed after a shower. My husband said from outside the door, "you still in there?"
Me: "Yes, but I'm coming out in just a minute".
Then he put his hand through the cat door and set a large toad on the floor. 😱🥰

THAT made me happy today.

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