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I've never canned, but I have READ that if one removes the ring then a broken seal becomes more apparent.
This is true. But if there is a jar on top of another one then the top jar will weigh down the other one and you won't know if you have a bad seal until it's too late. If you catch a bad seal within 24 hours, usually the food can be either put in the fridge, recanned, or eaten right away
I've never canned, but I have READ that if one removes the ring then a broken seal becomes more apparent.

If you catch a bad seal within 24 hours, usually the food can be either put in the fridge, recanned, or eaten right away
When I can, I let the jars sit for 24 hours, then remove the ring. If they didn't "pop," (the button sucking down to indicate that they sealed), the jar goes in the fridge for eating. After 24 hours, I lift gently on the edge of the lid, and if it holds, I figured it's sealed well. I wipe the jar with vinegar and store them in the basement.

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