What made you happy today?

Now, as for what made me happy today: I currently have two flocks of chickens. There's the OG, 14 of my 2- and possibly 3-yo's, steady, sedate old girls, mostly EEs. Then there are my eleven 16-week old girls, 6 Sapphire Gems and 5 Prairie Bluebell Eggers. I call them my Do-run-run mob. They hang out in a tight group separately but when they hear me come out the back door (it slams) or hear my voice, they come running like the devil's after them! They make me laugh! They don't just run, they flap their wings and can't get to me fast enough. Is it cupboard love? Probably! I've given them mealworms since they were six days old. I am the Giver of All Good Things. But it warms my heart that 11 feathered creatures practically trip over themselves to greet me. Every. Single. Day. This is my happy! ❤️
I took a day off from work, needed it physically and mentally.

I walked outside. The sun was shining, birds singing, gardens sprouting. Spring is here.

The chickens were ecstatic to see She Who Brings Grapes though all I had was a pile of chickweed and other plants weeded from a flower bed.

Martha's still on her eggs :fl

One of the feral cats, Alice, came when I called, though I know it's too soon for me to be allowed to touch her. I won't try until she is ready. If ever.

All's well in my little backyard Eden...

...in progress.
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