What makes a coop a coop?



previously jwehl // dogs & cats & squirrels oh my!
Nov 3, 2020
Atlanta GA
And a run a run?

Basically my "coop" is very different from all the coops I see here and I'm wondering what qualifies a coop as a coop. Maybe this is a silly "whatever works for you is fine" question, but I've heard people say they suggest (for example) deep litter for a coop but not for a run. Whereas my "coop" is probably more like most peoples runs.


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I've always thought of a coop as a small cage with a run attached to it so it's all one piece. Where the phrase comes from 'all cooped up'
A run on the other hand is probably a larger fenced off area around a chicken shed.
A coop is a safe place for flocks to be at night.
A run is a safe place for flocks to be during the day.

I have a covered run... to prevent areal attacks and I don't really want to shovel it out every other day or once a week in the winter.
My flock is able to free range in spring, summer, and early autumn until the leaves fall from the trees.

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