What makes BYC so popular and the forums so busy?!

Oh I have... this other site is an art only site though... and art... well its a range of things these days... lots of debate to be had anyways. Problem is artists are opinionated, and one too many strong opinions and people feel over emotional... it just leads to trouble!!!

But if you are an artist, poet, quilter... sewer... whatever! Come visit... it can be a great place. Lots of useful stuff for sales and things too... I just want to help boost the forum section.

All of the above

I get alot of this
without alot of
This is truly a wonderful site of many people all of whom love chickens... that is what makes it so special, the hand of friendship and compassion is extended warmly across the many many miles that seperate us all.

I HAVE to get on BYC everyday...... HAVE to.. nobody try stopping me......... addicition started the day I joined............
It's the people.
I joined planning on just lurking. I have actually made friends here. It's amazing. I also get wonderful advice on 'non-chicken' pets (ie: my deaf puppy). The people here are imformative, generous and caring. Now, as soon as we manage to take over the world.........
This site makes me laugh a LOT. It doesn't offend me that often. I can let my kids peruse along without fear they'll read trash a la YouTube.

I like how many subjects you can comment about, so many in fact that you've usually forgotten about most before you go to bed.

Also, there are few subjects as interesting as chickens: crop surgery photos, odd eggs found, ID this breed, what the heck is this thing???, and on and on....

Most of all, I like saying silly comments on here that make my son laugh. He loves knowing what happens on here, so I show him the !!!! photos and stories.

Our alone time is when we're out caring for the chickens, so this is our connection. We love chickens, maybe more so because we BOTH love chickens.
It's the information. When we got our first chicken a year ago, we knew NOTHING about chickens. Everytime I would google a topic, BYC was one of the top search results. Eventually, I stopped going through google and just came here to search topics when I had a question. Then it happened, I was hooked. The website is impressive in the way it is moderated, it's clean for all ages, covers every question you could ever ask about chickens and then some, and everyone for the most part is friendly to each other. There are occassional topics that are heated, but in the end everyone kisses and makes up
or they end up getting banned


And did I mention I love the smilies

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I had the same experience as popcornpuppy, always ending up here when searching for chicken information. Took me a while before I finally decided to check out the site as I wasn't a forum type person. I loved it. Easy navigation. Lots of information. Always something new. And I guess number one the people are so helpful and friendly. I recommend it to everyone I meet that has chickens.


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