What makes you feel better when you're sick?

Thats what I'm doing right now since last week when my cold hit hard that week, I still feel
Chamomille tea always seems to help my stomach when it is upset.
When I just plain old don't feel good...I've said it before and I'll say it again cause it's true.....cuddling with my three favorite guys, Bryan [DH], Ben [Gay] and Jack [Daniels], but DH thinks Ben stinks!
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I hate migraines.
Proper prescription medication for the migraine, lots of sleep, small sips of water, ginger ale, coke syrup and when you start feeling better some home made chicken noodle soup. Did I mention, I HATE MIGRAINES!
For just sinus..sudafed. Throat & chest too..Nyquil does wonders. Lets u get the needed sleep too. All I take is Pepsi and crackers, Later on Chicken noodle soup and maybe some kind of fruit starting with applesauce or fruit cocktail.
Thanks for the tips! I'm currently about 0 for 6 with food today, but time's getting longer in between! I went about 2 hours after my afternoon snack!

Hope to have this thing whooped by tomorrow!!
i just found out this morning i have a severe case of strep. YUCK i have been sick for over a week.

my mom always makes me feel better when im sick. she comes over and takes care of the critters and my kids when i get sick. i LOVE my mommy ( and yes im 27 years old lol i still call my mom mommy LOL)
Quick hijack: ATTENTION PEOPLE WITH STREP...Go to the doctor! It can be dangerous.

Anywho, what WOULD make me feel better when I'm sick is to have a chance to be sick and not have to keep going.
Yes, I would like some cheese to go with my whine, thank you very much.

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