What makes your coop unique??

Mines in a vacation/resort type area and so far with my constant landscaping and daily cleaning no one has complained or tried to make me get rid of them. I'm not "under the radar" so much as I am flaunting it in their face, and hoping it looks like it belongs here.
I'll post one picture and there are lots more on my BYC web page.
sugarhillfarm--I made the sign with my Cricut, vinyl, roofing metal & fence wood. It took me awhile to get the design the way I wanted it, but I'm pleased with the way it turned out. Can't wait to see your pics when they're done.
Let me know if you need help with a sign!
I have pics and notations on View My BYC Page

You can view other pages: coop; coop-in-the-winter also.
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Here is a pic of something neat my husband did for me. I have had this old window pane hanging around for awhile.
Never new exactly where or what I wanted to do with it. When we were making our coop it actually fit the side perfect.
My husband made it into our door. I did put a piece of plexiglass over the inside so the chicks can peck through it.
But I love it!!! It makes my coop very unique- I love old architecture and if I have anything laying around I can use , I am.
Please note- coop is still under construction. This is also a pic of the inside. Decided to lay linoleum on the floor like many others but also insulated the front of the coop and decided to put up linoleum over that to make it easier to clean.
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