What more can I do?


15 Years
Jun 6, 2009
St Pauls, NC
A few days ago, I noticed obvious bloody poop under the roos bars.. I immediately went out and got Corid, and started treating for Cocci, as I had a few chickens (2-3 months olds) that had droopy tails and puffed out and a few that were lower in weight than they should be.. I started treating them on Monday (6 days now) with 1 tsp per gal, based on the fact that it was only a few showing symptoms (moderate outbreak)..

I've noticed some foamy poops from a few of them over the past few days (most of my flock have normal poops), and then today, I came out to a dead cockeral.. When I went in the coop, I noticed bright green shavings on the floor where he was roosting last night...

I also observed foamy poop from another cockeral..

They get Corid in their water (only water source), water changed out everybday per instructions on bottle, are on 22% feed, get treats (meal worms, fruit/veggies) about 2x a week, so not very often).. No lice or mites, or obvious worms.. I am not separating the few, because if one has it, they all have it so I don't see a reason to.

1. How long does it take to see improvement on Corid?
2. Am I giving enough Corid, or should I start over and up the dose for a "severe outbreak"?
3. Since some have low weight, how do I help them gain weigh, since they are already on 22% feed?


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You need to double the dose, 2 tsp per gallon.
Ok.. I'll start over and double the dose.. What about putting weight on them? They have a 5 gal feeder with access 24/7 if they want it.. I have NEVER noticed full crops on any of them, although they are all eating throughout the day..
What type of feed is the 22%? Is it chick crumbles and a chick starter grower? I agree with always using the 2 tsp per gallon dosage of liquid Corid in any outbreak. Also give each sick chick 0.1 ml per pound of undiluted Corid as a drench daily in addition to treated water. Be aware too that some strains of coccidia can be resistant to Corid. Toltrazuril or Sulfadimethoxine are alternate drugs that treat coccidiosis. Get those online for pigeons.
What type of feed is the 22%? Is it chick crumbles and a chick starter grower? I agree with always using the 2 tsp per gallon dosage of liquid Corid in any outbreak. Also give each sick chick 0.1 ml per pound of undiluted Corid as a drench daily in addition to treated water. Be aware too that some strains of coccidia can be resistant to Corid. Toltrazuril or Sulfadimethoxine are alternate drugs that treat coccidiosis. Get those online for pigeons.
This is what I've started giving them (didn't realize it was medicated until I got home, but was told it wouldn't hurt them on top of the Corid).. As far as drenching them, it's not really feasable to catch/weigh/drench, since I have 37 of them.. LOL


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Treat them at night, on the roost. You can easily catch them then. As young as they are, you could put them in a dog crate as you treat them. Might take two crates for that many I suppose.
Yeah, that make more sense.. I had a very long day yesterday, so I'm not braining very well today! LOL

I was mistaken.. I looked at the feed again, and I thought I grabbed the 22%, but I accidentally grabbed the 18%.. I went to TSC since I needed bedding and grabbed a bag of BOSS and ImPECKables "Sunflower, Flax and Worms" for added protein.. I will need to get another bag of feed in a day or two, so I will grabbed the 22% this time.. Any other way I can help them gain weight and thrive better until the Cocci is taken care of?

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