What organs are on the RT side of the body??

Its yummy! You make a cream/white sauce (easy to do)... add peas and salmon(we use red canned salmon
..).., salt, pepper.. then you eat the sauce over what ever you want..
I eat mine over saltine crackers(thats the best way to eat it..), mom eats hers over boiled potatoes..
Sounds gross, buts its really good. (if you like salmon)

No that actually sounds really good. I LOVE salmon. I think I would toss some balsamic in the sauce and leave out the peas.

does sound good except the peas..........i HATE peas.....like about anything Salmon.
No that actually sounds really good. I LOVE salmon. I think I would toss some balsamic in the sauce and leave out the peas.

does sound good except the peas..........i HATE peas.....like about anything Salmon.

You eat your peas young man!!!

I have a REAL good salmon recipe for ya... LOVE this one! And no peas..

Yeah, the first one either passed or rearranged itself within a couple of hours. Hurt like crazy, but I just pushed through it. The second one I took a nap in hopes that it would go away like the first. Number three I went to the ER. They couldn't figure out what was going on except that I had white counts off the charts. They kept me overnight for observation and then sent me home with everyone scratching their heads. Sigh. Number four the ER doctors finally figured out it was a kidney stone. They wouldn't give me any drugs and it quit hurting while I was waiting on them to figure out what was up.
Do we see why I am reluctant to go to doctors?
The last one they figured it out and pumped me full of the good stuff and I no longer cared that there were kidney stones in there.

I have a long history of ignoring health issues mainly because I seem to get a lot of head scratching from doctors. My GI doctor's nurse now knows that if I ever do come in complaining about something hurting that they REALLY should pay attention. It helps when they take you seriously.
I hear the new ones can park themselves. Might be something to look into....

Old husbands can park themselves just fine.
I would want a new one that shifts into "drive" automatically.
I hear the new ones can park themselves. Might be something to look into....

I hear the new ones can park themselves. Might be something to look into....

The bad news is that they are programmed to park in 'the first available space'.

My advice - Stick with the tried and true.

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